COBOL and C as introductory programming languages

Last Updated on July 28, 2024 by Splendid Digital Solutions

COBOL: The Language for Business and Transaction Processing

COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) has been a cornerstone of business, finance, and administrative systems for decades. Despite its age, COBOL remains a critical language due to its reliability, speed, and security in processing large volumes of transactions.

Pros of Learning COBOL:

  1. Industry Relevance: COBOL is heavily used in banking, insurance, retail, and transportation. Learning COBOL opens opportunities in these sectors, particularly in maintaining and modernizing existing systems.
  2. Legacy Systems: Many organizations still run COBOL programs, and there’s a demand for developers who can update and integrate these systems with modern technologies.
  3. Structured Programming: COBOL’s structured nature can help beginners understand the importance of program structure and readability, which are crucial for maintaining large codebases.

Cons of Learning COBOL:

  1. Outdated Paradigms: COBOL was designed in the 1950s and follows paradigms that may not be as relevant today. This can limit exposure to modern programming concepts and languages.
  2. Limited Ecosystem: The ecosystem for COBOL is not as vibrant or diverse as for more modern languages, which can limit learning resources and community support.
  3. Not General-Purpose: COBOL is specialized for business applications, which might not provide a broad foundation for other areas of software development.

C: The Language for Understanding Computers

C is a powerful, general-purpose programming language that is widely used for system programming, developing operating systems, embedded systems, and understanding the hardware-software interface.

Pros of Learning C:

  1. Low-Level Programming: C allows direct manipulation of memory and hardware, providing deep insights into how computers work. This makes it an excellent choice for understanding computer architecture and operating systems.
  2. Foundation for Other Languages: Many modern languages, such as C++, Java, and Python, have roots in C. Learning C provides a strong foundation for mastering these languages.
  3. Performance: C programs are highly efficient and performant, which is why C is often used in systems where speed and resource optimization are critical.

Cons of Learning C:

  1. Complexity: C is known for its steep learning curve. Concepts like pointers, manual memory management, and low-level operations can be challenging for beginners.
  2. Safety Issues: C does not have built-in safety features like automatic memory management or bounds checking, leading to potential security vulnerabilities and bugs if not carefully managed.
  3. Verbose Syntax: C’s syntax can be verbose and less forgiving, requiring a precise and detailed approach to programming.

Comparison: COBOL vs. C for Beginners

  1. Understanding Hardware and Systems:
  • C: Provides a direct understanding of how computers work at a low level. Ideal for those interested in system programming and hardware interaction.
  • COBOL: Focuses on business logic and data processing, with less emphasis on understanding hardware. Suitable for those targeting business applications.
  1. Ease of Learning:
  • COBOL: Generally easier to learn due to its English-like syntax and structured approach. Good for beginners focused on business applications.
  • C: More challenging due to its low-level operations and complex syntax. Requires a strong understanding of programming concepts.
  1. Career Opportunities:
  • COBOL: High demand in specific industries with legacy systems, offering stable and niche job opportunities.
  • C: Broadly applicable across various fields, including system programming, game development, and embedded systems.

CS50 by Harvard University: Choosing C as the First Language

CS50, Harvard’s introductory computer science course, uses C as its primary programming language (after an initial introduction with Scratch). The choice of C is deliberate for several reasons:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: C’s low-level nature provides a strong foundation in computer science principles, such as memory management, data structures, and algorithms.
  2. Understanding Abstractions: Learning C helps students understand the abstractions that higher-level languages provide, making it easier to learn other languages later.
  3. Practical Skills: C is still widely used in industry, especially in systems programming and performance-critical applications. This makes the skills learned in CS50 directly applicable to many real-world scenarios.

Argument: Choosing C or COBOL as the First Language

Choosing C:

  • Pros:
  • Provides a deep understanding of computer science fundamentals.
  • Offers a strong foundation for learning other programming languages.
  • Widely applicable across various domains, including systems and embedded programming.
  • Cons:
  • Steep learning curve with complex concepts like pointers and memory management.
  • Requires careful attention to detail to avoid security vulnerabilities and bugs.

Choosing COBOL:

  • Pros:
  • Easier to learn with its English-like syntax and structured programming approach.
  • High demand in industries with legacy systems, offering stable job opportunities.
  • Focuses on business logic and data processing, making it ideal for specific career paths.
  • Cons:
  • Limited exposure to modern programming concepts and paradigms.
  • Not as broadly applicable across different fields of software development.
  • Smaller community and ecosystem compared to more modern languages.


Both COBOL and C have their unique strengths and applications. The choice between them as a first programming language should depend on the learner’s goals and interests. If the aim is to gain a deep understanding of computer systems and hardware, C is the preferred choice. However, if the goal is to enter industries reliant on legacy systems and business applications, COBOL offers a more straightforward path. Each language provides valuable skills that can make one a better software programmer in different contexts.

Ultimately, the most important point is not which programming language you start with. One can always learn C first and then COBOL, or vice versa. The journey of learning programming languages is continuous and cumulative, building on each new concept and skill acquired along the way. The key is to begin the journey and remain open to exploring and mastering multiple languages throughout your career.

Disclaimer: This article was generated with the assistance of large language models. While I (the author) provided the direction and topic, these AI tools helped with research, content creation, and phrasing.

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