(Part 2 of 2) Expanding your journey in computer science: Adding OSSU – A fully free, self-directed path to computer science mastery

ossu computer science

Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by Splendid Digital Solutions

Harvard University’s CS50x, led by Professor David Malan, is one of the most celebrated entry-level computer science courses worldwide. While CS50x is labeled “introductory,” it offers remarkable depth, building a strong foundation in programming, algorithms, and computational thinking. This foundation can serve as a springboard for further study, either through Harvard’s more advanced courses or by pursuing a degree from the University of the People (UoPeople).

In this updated article, we’ll introduce another compelling option for advancing your education: the Open Source Society University (OSSU), which offers a comprehensive, fully free pathway to mastering computer science without the formal structure of a degree. We’ll also compare the pros and cons of UoPeople and OSSU, helping you choose the path that best suits your career goals and life situation.

CS50x: A Stepping Stone Toward Deeper Learning

CS50x covers essential computer science topics such as:

  • C programming
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Memory management
  • SQL databases
  • Web development with HTML, CSS, and Flask

These topics challenge students to think critically and solve complex problems while building real-world skills in programming and software development. But completing CS50x is just the beginning. Students can further specialize through Harvard’s other courses like CS50W (Web Programming with Python and JavaScript), CS50AI (Artificial Intelligence), and more.

However, for those seeking a more expansive and structured approach, enrolling in a bachelor’s degree program at UoPeople offers a deep dive into computer science fundamentals. Now, we introduce another option: OSSU, which provides a complete computer science education, free of cost.

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Introducing OSSU: A Fully Free, Self-Directed Path to Computer Science Mastery

OSSU offers a structured, free curriculum curated from some of the best open-source courses available online. Though OSSU doesn’t offer a degree or formal certification, it provides an incredible opportunity to learn at your own pace, often while continuing your job or other commitments.

The curriculum is designed to cover the same fundamentals as a traditional computer science degree, with courses drawn from reputable institutions like MIT, Harvard, and Stanford. By following OSSU’s curriculum, learners can achieve a high level of competency in:

  • Programming (Python, C++, Java)
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Operating systems
  • Databases
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning

How to Showcase Your Progress with OSSU

Even though OSSU doesn’t award certificates, you can still document your journey. By forking the official OSSU GitHub repo, you can mark your progress as you complete each course, adding checkmarks to represent milestones. This simple approach serves as a kanban board for tracking achievements and showcases your commitment to prospective employers or collaborators.

Comparing UoPeople and OSSU

AspectUniversity of the People (UoPeople)Open Source Society University (OSSU)
CostLow-cost tuition (about $100 per exam, $4000 total)Completely free, all materials and courses are open-source
DegreeAccredited, recognized bachelor’s degree upon completionNo formal degree or certification
StructureHighly structured, with faculty guidance and regular assessmentsSelf-directed, learners choose their own pace and path
Access to FacultyYes, dedicated faculty and peer interactionNo direct faculty support, entirely self-driven
FlexibilitySome flexibility but within semester schedulesFully flexible, learners can adapt pace and focus as needed
CurriculumComprehensive, includes programming, algorithms, databases, and specialized areasExtensive, curated from the best free courses globally, includes programming, AI, ML
Final ProjectCapstone project in software development, AI, etc.No formal capstone; final project is self-directed
Career PreparationStructured career services and supportNo formal career services; students must rely on self-marketing and GitHub profiles

Pros and Cons of UoPeople and OSSU

UoPeople Pros

  • Accredited degree: Upon graduation, you earn a Bachelor’s degree that is widely recognized by employers and institutions around the world.
  • Faculty Support: Dedicated professors and structured coursework provide guidance, especially helpful for those who prefer traditional academic support.
  • Peer Interaction: Opportunities for networking, collaboration, and building relationships with fellow students.
  • Capstone Project: Helps solidify your knowledge and present a well-rounded project to potential employers.

UoPeople Cons

  • Cost: Though affordable compared to most universities, it still requires financial investment, including fees for each exam.
  • Time Commitment: Follows a more traditional academic schedule, which can be restrictive for those with full-time jobs or other responsibilities.
  • Limited Specialization Options: The curriculum offers a broad but generalized education, which may not provide deep dives into niche areas.


  • Free: The biggest advantage of OSSU is that it’s completely free, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.
  • Self-Paced: You can adjust your learning to fit your schedule, perfect for those balancing a job or other commitments.
  • Project-Based Learning: By maintaining a GitHub portfolio as you progress through courses, you can showcase tangible proof of your skills to potential employers.
  • Flexible Curriculum: Allows learners to focus on specific areas of interest, such as AI or machine learning, more quickly.


  • No Formal Degree: While the education is rigorous, you won’t receive an official degree or certification upon completion.
  • Lack of Support: There are no professors or academic advisors, so learners must rely on self-discipline and online communities for support.
  • Employer Perception: Some employers may prioritize candidates with formal degrees, so you may need to work harder to prove your skills.

Conclusion: Choose the Path That Fits Your Goals

Both UoPeople and OSSU offer fantastic opportunities to deepen your knowledge of computer science, but each is suited to different learning styles and career goals. If you’re seeking a formal degree with academic support and career services, UoPeople provides an affordable and structured path. However, if you’re motivated by self-learning and want a cost-effective, flexible way to master computer science, OSSU is a powerful option that emphasizes real-world projects and skill-building.

No matter which path you choose, leveraging the foundation you’ve built through CS50x will be key. Whether you continue with more CS50 courses, dive into OSSU’s open curriculum, or pursue a bachelor’s degree at UoPeople, the essential knowledge you’ve gained will set you up for success in the vast and exciting world of computer science.


Disclaimer: This article was generated with the assistance of large language models (LLMs). While I (the author) provided the direction and topic, these AI tools helped with research, content creation, and phrasing.

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