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  • #3450

    Source: Created with AI tool

    Class variables and data attributes are both used in Python to store values in a class, but they serve different purposes and behave differently.

    Class Variables:

    • Definition: Class variables are variables that are shared among all instances of a class. They are defined within the class but outside of any instance methods.
    • Shared by Instances: All instances of the class share the same value for a class variable. Modifying a class variable affects all instances unless it is specifically overridden in an instance.
    • Purpose: Used for properties or constants that should be the same for every instance of the class.

    Instance Variables (Data Attributes):

    • Definition: Instance variables (also known as data attributes) are variables that belong to individual instances of a class. They are defined within methods (typically in the __init__ method) and are prefixed by self.
    • Unique per Instance: Each instance of the class has its own copy of the instance variables, so modifying an instance variable only affects that specific instance.
    • Purpose: Used for properties that differ between instances.


    Feature Class Variables Instance Variables (Data Attributes)
    Defined Outside of methods, directly in the class body Inside methods, usually in __init__, prefixed with self
    Scope Shared by all instances of the class Unique to each instance
    Access Can be accessed using ClassName.variable or self.variable Accessed using self.variable
    Modification Modifying the class variable changes it for all instances (unless overridden) Modifying instance variables only affects the specific instance
    Common Use For shared data, constants, or settings across instances For storing data that is unique to each instance

    Example to Highlight the Differences:

    class Employee:
    # Class variable
    company_name = "TechCorp"
    def __init__(self, name, salary):
    # Instance variables (data attributes)
    self.name = name
    self.salary = salary
    # Creating instances
    emp1 = Employee("Alice", 50000)
    emp2 = Employee("Bob", 60000)
    # Accessing class variable
    print(emp1.company_name) # Output: TechCorp
    print(emp2.company_name) # Output: TechCorp
    # Accessing instance variables
    print(emp1.name) # Output: Alice
    print(emp2.name) # Output: Bob
    # Modifying the class variable
    Employee.company_name = "InnovateTech"
    print(emp1.company_name) # Output: InnovateTech
    print(emp2.company_name) # Output: InnovateTech
    # Modifying an instance variable
    emp1.salary = 55000
    print(emp1.salary) # Output: 55000
    print(emp2.salary) # Output: 60000

    Key Takeaways:

    • Class Variables: These are shared across all instances of a class. If the class variable is modified at the class level, it changes for all instances unless an instance has overridden it.
    • Instance Variables (Data Attributes): These are specific to each object (instance) of a class. Changing an instance variable only affects that specific instance and does not impact other instances.

    Real-World Analogy:

    • Class Variables: Imagine a company where all employees share the same company name. This company name is a class variable, because it is the same for all employees.

    • Instance Variables: Each employee has a different name and salary. These are instance variables because they are unique to each individual employee.

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