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  • #3329

    Source: Created with help of AI tool

    Here’s a detailed comparison of the regular expressions a.b, a*b, and a.*b:

    1. a.b

    • Meaning: Matches a string where there is an ‘a’ followed by exactly one character (any character) and then followed by ‘b’.
    • Pattern Breakdown:
    • a: Matches the character ‘a’.
    • .: Matches exactly one character (any character except newline).
    • b: Matches the character ‘b’.
    • Example Matches:
    • “aXb” (where X is any single character)
    • Example Non-Matches:
    • “ab” (missing a character between ‘a’ and ‘b’)
    • “aXXb” (too many characters between ‘a’ and ‘b’)

    2. a*b

    • Meaning: Matches a string where there are zero or more ‘a’ characters followed by a ‘b’.
    • Pattern Breakdown:
    • a*: Matches zero or more occurrences of ‘a’.
    • b: Matches the character ‘b’.
    • Example Matches:
    • “b” (zero ‘a’s followed by ‘b’)
    • “ab” (one ‘a’ followed by ‘b’)
    • “aaab” (three ‘a’s followed by ‘b’)
    • Example Non-Matches:
    • “a” (missing ‘b’)

    3. a.*b

    • Meaning: Matches a string where there is an ‘a’ followed by zero or more characters of any kind and ending with ‘b’.
    • Pattern Breakdown:
    • a: Matches the character ‘a’.
    • .*: Matches zero or more occurrences of any character (except newline).
    • b: Matches the character ‘b’.
    • Example Matches:
    • “ab” (zero characters between ‘a’ and ‘b’)
    • “acb” (one character ‘c’ between ‘a’ and ‘b’)
    • “aXYZb” (multiple characters ‘XYZ’ between ‘a’ and ‘b’)
    • Example Non-Matches:
    • “a” (missing ‘b’)


    • a.b: Matches ‘a’ followed by exactly one character and then ‘b’.
    • a*b: Matches zero or more ‘a’s followed by ‘b’.
    • a.*b: Matches ‘a’ followed by zero or more characters of any kind and ending with ‘b’.
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