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  • #3504

    Source: Created taking help of AI tool


    When working with strings in Python, one common task is counting specific characters, such as vowels. In this article, we’ll explore two ways to count vowels in a string. Both approaches achieve the same result but differ in their implementation. By comparing these methods, you’ll gain insights into how Python handles string operations and logical conditions, allowing you to choose the approach that best suits your needs.

    Problem Statement:

    Given a string of lowercase characters, we need to count the number of vowels ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'). For example, for the string 'azcbobobegghakl', the program should return:

    Number of vowels: 5

    Method 1: Using Membership in a Set of Vowels

    The first method involves using a set of valid vowels and checking if each character in the string belongs to this set. This approach is concise and leverages Python’s ability to check for membership in a collection efficiently.

    Code Example:

    # Assume s is a string of lowercase characters
    s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
    # List of vowels to check
    vowels = 'aeiou'
    # Initialize a counter for the vowels
    vowel_count = 0
    # Loop through each character in the string
    for char in s:
    # Check if the character is a vowel
    if char in vowels:
    vowel_count += 1
    # Print the result
    print("Number of vowels:", vowel_count)


    1. We define a string vowels containing all the vowels: 'aeiou'.
    2. We initialize vowel_count to 0 to keep track of the number of vowels found.
    3. Using a for loop, we iterate through each character in the string s.
    4. For each character, we check if it belongs to the vowels string using the in operator. If true, we increment the count.
    5. The result is printed at the end, showing the total number of vowels.

    Pros of this Approach:

    • Simplicity: Using the in operator with a string of vowels makes the code easy to read and understand.
    • Efficiency: Python handles membership checks efficiently, making this method quick even for larger strings.


    • Flexibility: This approach may seem less flexible if you want to modify or extend the set of vowels dynamically. However, it works perfectly for simple tasks.

    Method 2: Using the or Operator for Direct Comparison

    The second method explicitly checks each character against the vowels using the or operator. While this approach is longer, it gives you a direct and clear comparison between each character and the vowels.

    Code Example:

    # Assume s is a string of lowercase characters
    s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
    # Initialize a counter for the vowels
    vowel_count = 0
    # Loop through each character in the string
    for char in s:
    # Check if the character is a vowel using the or operator
    if char == 'a' or char == 'e' or char == 'i' or char == 'o' or char == 'u':
    vowel_count += 1
    # Print the result
    print("Number of vowels:", vowel_count)


    1. Instead of using a collection of vowels, we manually compare each character to the five vowels ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u') using the or operator.
    2. For each comparison that returns True, we increment the vowel_count variable.
    3. Finally, the number of vowels is printed as the result.

    Pros of this Approach:

    • Explicitness: This method is highly explicit and may be easier for beginners to grasp since it clearly checks each condition.
    • Clarity for Small Sets: When dealing with a small, predefined set of values (like vowels), this approach can make the comparisons easy to understand.


    • Lengthier Code: Since each vowel is checked individually, this method is more verbose and repetitive compared to the first.
    • Less Efficient for Large Sets: For larger datasets or longer lists of characters, this approach can become cumbersome and inefficient.

    Conclusion: Choosing the Right Approach

    Both methods achieve the same goal—counting vowels in a string—but their implementations differ based on how the problem is approached. The first method, using membership checks with the in operator, is more concise and better suited for larger or dynamically changing sets of values. The second method, using the or operator, offers more explicit and direct comparisons but is longer and less flexible.

    When to Use Each Method:

    • Use Method 1 (membership in a set) when you need a more concise and scalable solution, especially if the set of characters you’re checking against may change.
    • Use Method 2 (the or operator) when working with small, predefined sets of values and when you want to clearly express each comparison.

    Both methods are valuable tools in your Python programming toolkit, and understanding their strengths and weaknesses will help you write efficient, readable code for different scenarios.

    Happy coding!

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