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  • #3372

    Source: Created with AI tool

    The chunk of code def __repr__(self): return f"Vector({self.x}, {self.y})" is defining a dunder method (__repr__) within the Vector class. Its purpose is to return a string representation of the Vector object. This method allows for a more informative and readable output when the object is printed or viewed in the Python interpreter.

    Here’s a breakdown of what this method does:

    What Does __repr__ Do?

    • Purpose: The __repr__ method is intended to provide a “formal” string representation of the object that is suitable for debugging and development purposes. It should ideally return a string that could be used to recreate the object when evaluated by Python.
    • Functionality in This Case:

    • The method returns a formatted string that includes the class name Vector and the values of self.x and self.y (the attributes of the object).
    • For example, if the vector object has x=6 and y=8, the method will return the string "Vector(6, 8)".

    When Is __repr__ Called?

    • The __repr__ method is called when you attempt to output an object to the console using print() or when you inspect the object directly in the Python interpreter.
    • For instance, when you write print(v3), Python internally calls v3.__repr__() to get the string "Vector(6, 8)" and then prints it to the console.

    Example of __repr__ in Action:

    Let’s walk through the provided code:

    class Vector:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    # Dunder method for addition
    def __add__(self, other):
    return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
    # Dunder method for string representation
    def __repr__(self):
    return f"Vector({self.x}, {self.y})"
    # Creating two Vector objects
    v1 = Vector(2, 3)
    v2 = Vector(4, 5)
    # Using the `+` operator which calls the `__add__` method
    v3 = v1 + v2 # This results in a new Vector(6, 8)
    print(v3) # Output: Vector(6, 8)
    • Object Creation: v1 = Vector(2, 3) creates a Vector object where x=2 and y=3, and v2 = Vector(4, 5) creates another Vector object where x=4 and y=5.
    • Addition with __add__: When you write v3 = v1 + v2, Python calls the __add__ method, which adds the x and y attributes of v1 and v2 together, returning a new Vector(6, 8).
    • Calling __repr__: When you print v3 using print(v3), Python calls v3.__repr__(), which returns the string "Vector(6, 8)". This string is then printed to the console.

    Why Use __repr__?

    • For Debugging: __repr__ provides a useful representation of the object that shows its internal state, making it easier to debug.
    • Clarity: It helps to present the object in a human-readable way, which is more informative than the default Python object representation (e.g., <Vector object at 0x...>).

    Comparison with __str__:

    There’s another related dunder method called __str__, which provides a more user-friendly or informal string representation of the object. If you only define __repr__, Python will use it as the fallback for both the formal (repr()) and informal (str()) string representations of the object.

    However, the main difference is:
    __repr__: For developers and debugging, should ideally be a valid Python expression that can recreate the object.
    __str__: For end-users, focused on producing a readable string.

    In this case, since __repr__ is defined, it makes sure that when v3 is printed or inspected, it clearly shows "Vector(6, 8)".

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