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  • #465
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <cs50.h>
      int main(void)
        int t = get_int("enter cents");
        int count25 = t / 25;
        int count10;
        t = t % 25;
        printf("count25 is %i\n", count25);
        printf("remaining t after count25 %i", t);
        if (t > 9)
          count10 = t / 10;
          count10 = 0;
        printf("count10 is%i\n", count10);
        int totalcoins = count25 + count10;
        printf("total coin count%i\n", totalcoins);

      Cash project prepares one to start using functions in programming. However, the same can be also done without creating functions through the main function.

      cs50 cash project[learn_press_profile]

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