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  • #1028
      // Check if election has been won
              bool won = print_winner();
              if (won)

      An explanation of the above code will be helpful.

      Here is the print_winner function that I have coded:

      // Print the winner of the election, if there is one
      bool print_winner(void)
      int necand = 0;
      for (int cc = 0; cc < candidate_count; cc++)
              if (candidates[cc].eliminated == false)
                  necand = necand + 1;
      for (int canc = 0; canc < candidate_count; canc++)
              if (candidates[canc].votes > necand/2)
                  printf("winner is %s", candidates[canc].name);
                  return true;
      return false;


      As far I understand, a variable won is created that is of bool type. The value of won will be equal to what is returned by the print_winner function.

      The print_winner function will break (not sure if terminate will be the right term here) if indeed there is a winner (line 17 and 18 of print_winner function). I understand after break on line 18, the function print_winner will terminate but not the whole program. In case break applicable, the result which is true passed on to the value of won?

      Not clear what it means by

      // Check if election has been won
              bool won = print_winner();
              if (won)




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