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  • #111
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <cs50.h>
      int main(void)
      long creditcardno;
              creditcardno = get_long("enter");
              if (creditcardno < 999999999999 || creditcardno > 9999999999999999)
              printf ("INVALID\n");
      while (creditcardno < 999999999999 || creditcardno > 9999999999999999);
      int i = 0; //will count no. of digits
      long cc = creditcardno; //cc will help compute no. of digits
      while (cc > 0)
          cc = cc / 10;
      printf ("noofdigits %i", i);
      if (i == 14)
          printf("INVALID2");//if a 14 digit no. entered, mark it as invalid.
          return 0; //if 14 digits entered, program terminated
      int mod1 = 0; //will store modulus of entered credit card no. from the last alternatively
      int mod2 = 0; //will store modulus of entered credit card no. from the second last 
      int mod2doubled = 0;//will store mod2 doubled
      int mod2d1 = 0; //will store modulus of mod2 after being doubled
      int mod2d2 = 0; //will store remainder of mod2 after being doubled
      int sum1 = 0; //will store sum of results from the operations of the entered credit card no. 
      from last alternatively
      int sum2 = 0; //will store sum of results for the operations of second last numbers 
      alternatively of entered credit card no.
      int sum = 0; //will store desired no. after performed operations on sum1 and sum2
      int sumofdoubled = 0;
      long tt = creditcardno; //tt is variable to store creditcard no. temporarily
      while (tt > 0)
          mod1 = tt % 10;
          sum1 = sum1 + mod1;
          tt = tt / 10;
          mod2 = tt % 10;
          mod2doubled = mod2 * 2;
          mod2d1 = mod2doubled % 10;
          mod2d2 = mod2doubled / 10;
          sum2 = sum2 + mod2d1 + mod2d2;
          tt = tt / 10;
          sum = sum1 + sum2;
      if (sum % 10!=0)
      printf("INVALID3\n");//mark invalid as do not meet the criterion of sum of the digits/10 = 0
       long firsttwodigits = creditcardno;
          firsttwodigits = firsttwodigits / 10;
      while (firsttwodigits > 100);
      //check for American Express
      if ((firsttwodigits / 10 == 3) && (firsttwodigits % 10 == 4 || firsttwodigits % 10 == 7))
          return 0;
      //check for MasterCard
      if (i == 16 && (firsttwodigits / 10 == 5) && (firsttwodigits % 10 == 1 || firsttwodigits % 10 
      == 2 || firsttwodigits % 10 == 3 ||
              firsttwodigits % 10 == 4 || firsttwodigits % 10 == 5))
          return 0;
      //check for Visa
      if ((i == 16 || i == 13) && (firsttwodigits / 10 == 4))
          return 0;

      The above program fails to pass CS50 check process while passing in few checks including tracking Amex/Visa/Mastercard.

      It appears that I am failing to terminate the program whenever invalid digit entered.

      I do understand that by using get_long for creditcardno, any possibility to enter negative number or text character is ruled out. Also, digits less than 999999999999 or greater than 9999999999999999 ruled out with this:

      do { creditcardno = get_long("enter"); if (creditcardno < 999999999999 || creditcardno > 9999999999999999) printf ("INVALID\n"); return 0;
      while (creditcardno < 999999999999 || creditcardno > 9999999999999999);


      So, do I need to enter any more commands like return 0 to terminate if say 1234567890 entered? Initially, I thought that I need to keep asking the user to enter a new credit card number if say 1234567890 entered. It now appears that I need to terminate the program. Also, this somehow is contradictory to my strategy of keep asking the user to enter credit card number unless he or she enters a digit between 999999999999 and 9999999999999999.

      I know there are other issues with this program but for this query to keep things manageable for me, I am seeking to address the problem of when 1234567890 entered that is currently showing:

      Could not find the following in the output: <class ‘pexpect.exceptions.EOF’>

      enter image description here





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