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  • #113
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <cs50.h>
      int main(void)
      long creditcardno;
      creditcardno = 
      while (creditcardno <  0);

      The above code accepts positive integers while taking input for credit card no.

      The task is now to form a function my_function () that will perform the above task when called in the main function.

      All that I can figure out is:

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <cs50.h>
      long my_function (void);

      Will the next line include int main (void) or that will not appear at all.

      Is it possible that I form a different c file such as test.c that will include function definition only and this file be called in main function in credit.c. Or both possibilities are there. I can have function defined and called in the same file so that everything can be performed from credit.c file.



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