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  • #209
      int main(int argc, string argv[])
      int counter = 0;
          if (argc != 2)
          return 1;
          printf("enter plainkey: ");
      string key = argv[1][];
      int t = strlen(key);
          if(t != 26)
          return 1;
          while(counter < t)
          isdigit (argv[1][counter]);
          return 1;
          counter = counter + 1;
      string s = get_string("plaintext: ");
      int countstring = strlen(s);
          for(int i = 0; i <= countstring; i++)
              if (isalpha s)
              int s= int t;
              t = s;
              s = s;
          printf("ciphertext: %s",s);

      On compiling,


      r/cs50 - How to store entered 26 character values against argv[1] to string type array key


      There is a problem with:

      string key = argv[1][ ];

      How do I denote 26 characters that are supposed to be entered by the user against argv[1]. Need to store entered 26 character values to key.


      You should note that agrv[1] is a string while argv[1][ ] is a character. You are declaring key as string. So you should be assigning a value of string to it and not character. Use string key = argv[1];[learn_press_profile]

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