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  • #153
      int main(void) 
        string name = get_string("Enter: ");
        printf("Entered text by user: %s\n", name);
        int n = strlen(name);
        printf("lenght of entered text: %i\n", n);
        int key = get_int("enter key: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
          if (isalpha(name)) 
            if (name + key >= 91) 
              name = (name + key - 26);
              name = (name + key);
            name = name;
        printf("cipher text: %s\n", name);

      Above is my code for uppercase characters (I am assuming for the time being the user enters only uppercase characters and not lowercase) only which is still faulty (https://www.canva.com/design/DAE1xXhyoXk/ba5X0Pf7gSAkmh9LdkbuOQ/view?utm_content=DAE1xXhyoXk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton).

      Up to key 44 or {72 which is ASCII of H + 44) = 116, the code working. So now perhaps need to introduce % operator correctly for rotation between 65 to 90.


      1 % 26 = 1 , essentially if k is < n:

      k % n = k


      How about n % n = ?

      Or: n + 1 % n = ? n + 2 % n = ? n + 3 % n = ? …

      You should even try out: 2n % n 2n + 1 % n …

      Try it out! See the pattern? Good luck!


      Though still far from coming out with the pattern, here is my intermittent code:

      int main(void)
        string name = get_string("Enter: ");
        printf("Entered text by user: %s\n", name);
        int n = strlen(name);
        printf("lenght of entered text: %i\n", n);
        int key = get_int("enter key: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
          if (isalpha(name))
            if (name + key > 90 && name + key < 143)
              name = (name + key - 26);
            if (name + key > 142 && name = (name + key - 52);
              name = (name + key);
            name = name;
        printf("cipher text: %s\n", name);

      My intention was to make the code work up to cycle that begins with 143 up to 194. I am surprised to see that up to key 18, the code works (z cipher text). But as I enter key 19, I get T as cipher text:

      Instead of if (isalpha(name)), can isalpha be replaced by a CS50 function that will spot instead of letters, uppercase letters/lowercase letters. I tried with if (uppercase(name)), but did not work.


      Yes isupper, and islower under I believe the ctype library

      Use this next time, and remember, they give you clues on the pset itself.





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