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  • #317

      This is the array that needs to be sorted in ascending order:

      Address Value
      a0 8
      a1 7
      a2 6
      a3 2
      a4 9


      There will be three scenarios:

      Either a0 = a1 or a0 > a1 or a0 < a1

      It appears there will be a swap from a0 to a1 as a0 > a1.

      One way to do swap I have earlier came across is:

      a0 = at

      at = a1

      a1 = at

      Will the above process be applicable also here.

      Also, how to have at? Can a new address at be created initially holding say 0?


      Yes it’s applicable.

      tmp = A[0];
      A[0] = A[1];
      A[1] = tmp;


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